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Aboriginal Initiatives for the Canadian Best Practices Portal launch of The Aboriginal Portal of Ways Tried and True
January 1, 2015

Health Advocacy Review, A Socio-Political Environmental Pulse
January 1, 2015

Aboriginal Diabetes in South West Ontario, Winning the Fight Against Diabetes
January 1, 2015

Summative Evaluation of the AFN Five–Year Flexible Contribution Agreement
January 1, 2013

Identification of Supports for Nurses Working in First Nations Transferred Communities
January 1, 2013

Aboriginal Approaches to Evaluation Training
January 1, 2008

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 2006 Baseline Data Strategy
January 1, 2006

A First Nations Diabetes Report Card: Part 1: Marking a Path to Community Wellness
January 1, 2006

Aboriginal Evaluation Expert Presenter and Moderator
January 1, 2005

The Ontario Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy (AHWS) Process Evaluation
January 1, 1998